
Simple viewers for ephys signals, events, video and more

Distributions:PyPI Anaconda Cloud
Source Code:GitHub conda-forge Feedstock
Tests Status:Tests Status conda-forge Build Status Documentation Status Coverage status

Version: 1.5.0 (other versions)

Do you have a large neural/electrophysiological dataset? Do you want to closely examine the raw signals and other events before performing an in-depth analysis? Good news! ephyviewer is your friend.

ephyviewer is both a standalone application and a Python library for creating scripts that fulfill your visualization needs.


For an example of an application that utilizes ephyviewer’s capabilities as a library, see the neurotic app and this paper:

Gill, J. P., Garcia, S., Ting, L. H., Wu, M., & Chiel, H. J. (2020). neurotic: Neuroscience Tool for Interactive Characterization. eNeuro, 7(3). https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0085-20.2020