
Simple signal viewer



from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, TraceViewer
import numpy as np

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#create fake 16 signals with 100000 at 10kHz
sigs = np.random.rand(100000,16)
sample_rate = 1000.
t_start = 0.

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

#create a viewer for signal with TraceViewer
# TraceViewer normally accept a AnalogSignalSource but
# TraceViewer.from_numpy is facitilty function to bypass that
view1 = TraceViewer.from_numpy(sigs, sample_rate, t_start, 'Signals')

#Parameters can be set in script
view1.params['scale_mode'] = 'same_for_all'
view1.params['display_labels'] = True

#And also parameters for each channel
view1.by_channel_params['ch0', 'visible'] = False
view1.by_channel_params['ch15', 'color'] = '#FF00AA'

#This is needed when scale_mode='same_for_all'
#to recompute the gain
#this avoid to push auto_scale button

#put this veiwer in the main window

#show main window and run Qapp


Signal viewer with data source


from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, TraceViewer
from ephyviewer import InMemoryAnalogSignalSource
import ephyviewer
import numpy as np

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#create fake 16 signals with 100000 at 10kHz
sigs = np.random.rand(100000,16)
sample_rate = 1000.
t_start = 0.

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

#Create a datasource for the viewer
# here we use InMemoryAnalogSignalSource but
# you can alose use your custum datasource by inheritance
source = InMemoryAnalogSignalSource(sigs, sample_rate, t_start)

#create a viewer for signal with TraceViewer
# TraceViewer normally accept a AnalogSignalSource but
# TraceViewer.from_numpy is facitilty function to bypass that
view1 = TraceViewer(source=source)

#put this veiwer in the main window

#show main window and run Qapp

Signal viewer with markers



from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, TraceViewer
from ephyviewer import AnalogSignalSourceWithScatter
import ephyviewer
import numpy as np

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#create 16 signals with 100000 at 10kHz
sigs = np.random.rand(100000,16)
sample_rate = 1000.
t_start = 0.

#create fake 16 signals with sinus
sample_rate = 1000.
t_start = 0.
times = np.arange(1000000)/sample_rate
signals = np.sin(times*2*np.pi*5)[:, None]
signals = np.tile(signals, (1, 16))

#detect some crossing zeros
s0 = signals[:-2, 0]
s1 = signals[1:-1,0]
s2 = signals[2:,0]
peaks0,  = np.nonzero((s0<s1) & (s2<s1))
peaks1,  = np.nonzero((s0>s1) & (s2>s1))

#create 2 familly scatters from theses 2 indexes
scatter_indexes = {0: peaks0, 1: peaks1}
#and asign them to some channels each
scatter_channels = {0: [0, 5, 8], 1: [0, 5, 10]}
source = AnalogSignalSourceWithScatter(signals, sample_rate, t_start, scatter_indexes, scatter_channels)

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

#create a viewer for signal with TraceViewer
#connected to the signal source
view1 = TraceViewer(source=source)

view1.params['scale_mode'] = 'same_for_all'

#put this veiwer in the main window

#show main window and run Qapp

Time-frequency viewer



from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, TraceViewer, TimeFreqViewer
from ephyviewer import InMemoryAnalogSignalSource
import ephyviewer
import numpy as np

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#create fake 16 signals with 100000 at 10kHz
sigs = np.random.rand(100000,16)
sample_rate = 1000.
t_start = 0.

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

#Create a datasource for the viewer
# here we use InMemoryAnalogSignalSource but
# you can alose use your custum datasource by inheritance
source = InMemoryAnalogSignalSource(sigs, sample_rate, t_start)

#create a viewer for signal with TraceViewer
view1 = TraceViewer(source=source, name='trace')
view1.params['scale_mode'] = 'same_for_all'

#create a time freq viewer conencted to the same source
view2 = TimeFreqViewer(source=source, name='tfr')

view2.params['show_axis'] = False
view2.params['timefreq', 'deltafreq'] = 1
view2.by_channel_params['ch3', 'visible'] = True

#add them to mainwindow

#show main window and run Qapp

Spike train viewer



from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, SpikeTrainViewer
from ephyviewer import InMemorySpikeSource

import numpy as np

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#create fake 20 fake units with random firing
#put them in a da ta source
all_spikes =[]
for c in range(20):
    spike_times = np.random.rand(1000)*100.
    spike_times = np.sort(spike_times)
    all_spikes.append({ 'time':spike_times, 'name':'Unit#{}'.format(c) })
source = InMemorySpikeSource(all_spikes=all_spikes)

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

view1 = SpikeTrainViewer(source=source)

#put this veiwer in the main window

#show main window and run Qapp


Epoch viewer



from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, EpochViewer,EventList
from ephyviewer import InMemoryEventSource, InMemoryEpochSource
import ephyviewer
import numpy as np

#Create one data source with 3 event channel
all_events = []
for c in range(3):
    ev_times = np.arange(0, 10., .5) + c*3
    ev_labels = np.array(['Event{} num {}'.format(c, i) for i in range(ev_times.size)], dtype='U')
    all_events.append({ 'time':ev_times, 'label':ev_labels, 'name':'Event{}'.format(c) })
source_ev = InMemoryEventSource(all_events=all_events)

#Create one data source with 2 epoch channel
all_epochs = []
for c in range(3):
    ep_times = np.arange(0, 10., .5) + c*3
    ep_durations = np.ones(ep_times.shape) * .1
    ep_labels = np.array(['Event{} num {}'.format(c, i) for i in range(ep_times.size)], dtype='U')
    all_epochs.append({ 'time':ep_times, 'duration':ep_durations, 'label':ep_labels, 'name':'Event{}'.format(c) })
source_ep = ephyviewer.InMemoryEpochSource(all_epochs=all_epochs)

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

view1 = EpochViewer(source=source_ep, name='epoch')
view1.by_channel_params['ch0', 'color'] = '#AA00AA'
view1.params['xsize'] = 6.5

view2 = EventList(source=source_ev, name='event')

#add them to mainwindow
win.add_view(view2, location='bottom',  orientation='horizontal')

#show main window and run Qapp

Epoch encoder



ephyviewer also provides an epoch encoder which can be used with shortcut keys
and/or the mouse to encode labels.

ephyviewer makes available a CsvEpochSource class, which inherits from
WritableEpochSource. If you would like to customize reading and writing epochs
to files, you can write your own subclass of WritableEpochSource that implements
the load() and save() methods.

Here is an example of an epoch encoder that uses CsvEpochSource.


from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, TraceViewer, CsvEpochSource, EpochEncoder
import numpy as np

# lets encode some dev mood along the day
possible_labels = ['euphoric', 'nervous', 'hungry',  'triumphant']

filename = 'example_dev_mood_encoder.csv'
source_epoch = CsvEpochSource(filename, possible_labels)

#you must first create a main Qt application (for event loop)
app = mkQApp()

#create fake 16 signals with 100000 at 10kHz
sigs = np.random.rand(100000,16)
sample_rate = 1000.
t_start = 0.

#Create the main window that can contain several viewers
win = MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True)

#create a viewer for signal
view1 = TraceViewer.from_numpy(sigs, sample_rate, t_start, 'Signals')
view1.params['scale_mode'] = 'same_for_all'

#create a viewer for the encoder itself
view2 = EpochEncoder(source=source_epoch, name='Dev mood states along day')

#show main window and run Qapp


# press '1', '2', '3', '4' to encode state.
# or toggle 'Time range selector' and then use 'Insert within range'

Mixed viewer



import ephyviewer

#for this example we use fake source construct by theses function
from  ephyviewer.tests.testing_tools import make_fake_video_source
from  ephyviewer.tests.testing_tools import make_fake_signals
from  ephyviewer.tests.testing_tools import make_fake_event_source
from  ephyviewer.tests.testing_tools import make_fake_epoch_source

sig_source = make_fake_signals()
event_source = make_fake_event_source()
epoch_source = make_fake_epoch_source()
video_source = make_fake_video_source()

app = ephyviewer.mkQApp()
view1 = ephyviewer.TraceViewer(source=sig_source, name='signals')
view2 = ephyviewer.VideoViewer(source=video_source, name='video')
view3 = ephyviewer.EventList(source=event_source, name='events')
view4 = ephyviewer.EpochViewer(source=epoch_source, name='epoch')
view5 = ephyviewer.TimeFreqViewer(source=sig_source, name='timefreq')

win = ephyviewer.MainViewer(debug=True, settings_name='test1', show_global_xsize=True, show_auto_scale=True)

win.add_view(view5, split_with='signals')
win.add_view(view3, location='bottom',  orientation='horizontal')




Viewers from Neo objects



Here is an example of opening viewers directly from neo objects.

There are two approaches:
   * create each viewer with class method (TraceViewer.from_neo_analogsignal, ...)
   * magically create all sources by providing the neo.Segment

from ephyviewer import mkQApp, MainViewer, TraceViewer, SpikeTrainViewer, EpochViewer, EventList
from ephyviewer import get_sources_from_neo_segment, compose_mainviewer_from_sources
import numpy as np

from neo.test.generate_datasets import generate_one_simple_segment
import neo

# here we generate a segment with several objects
# (this is a bad example because it mimics old neo behavior for signals (one channel=one object))
neo_seg = generate_one_simple_segment(supported_objects=[neo.Segment, neo.AnalogSignal, neo.Event, neo.Epoch, neo.SpikeTrain])

# the global QT app
app = mkQApp()

# case 1 : create viewers one at a time directly from neo objects in memory
win = MainViewer(show_auto_scale=True)

# from one neo.AnalogSignal
view1 = TraceViewer.from_neo_analogsignal(neo_seg.analogsignals[0], 'sigs')

# from several neo.SpikeTrains (3 spiketrains here)
view2 = SpikeTrainViewer.from_neo_spiketrains(neo_seg.spiketrains[0:3], 'spikes')

# from several neo.Epoch
view3 = EpochViewer.from_neo_epochs(neo_seg.epochs, 'epochs')

# from several neo.Event
view4 = EventList.from_neo_events(neo_seg.events, 'events')
win.add_view(view4, location='bottom',  orientation='horizontal')


# case 2 : automagically create data sources and a complete window from a neo segment
sources = get_sources_from_neo_segment(neo_seg)
win2 = compose_mainviewer_from_sources(sources)
