Overview ======== ephyviewer is a python module for building custuimized viewer for electrophysiological signals and related stuff (video/events/time frequency...) It can be used as a stabndalone application just by lauching from console, then use the open menu (need neo>0.6):: ephyviewer Launch it from console with filename (and optional format) (need neo>0.6):: ephyviewer File_axon_1.abf ephyviewer File_axon_1.abf -f Axon But th real goal is to design cutumized viewer for your needs with simple python scripts:: import ephyviewer import numpy as np app = ephyviewer.mkQApp() #signals sigs = np.random.rand(100000,16) sample_rate = 1000. t_start = 0. view1 = ephyviewer.TraceViewer.from_numpy(sigs, sample_rate, t_start, 'Signals') win = ephyviewer.MainViewer(debug=True, show_auto_scale=True) win.add_view(view1) win.show() app.exec_() Have a look at all examples to create from simple to sophisticated viewers.